When Can the Isha Prayer Be Performed?

The time for the Isha (night) prayer begins once the Maghrib (evening) prayer time ends and continues until the “Imsak” time, which is the break of dawn (Tahawi, Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar, 1/159 [957-959]). This allows the Isha prayer to be performed at any point during this period. However, many scholars emphasize that, as with other obligatory prayers, it is preferable to pray Isha in the early part of its time, following the recommendation of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In contrast, some scholars suggest that performing Isha later in the night is more appropriate, based on other reports (Ibn Qudamah, al-Mughni, 1/278).

According to the Shafi’i school, the Isha prayer time begins when the red glow in the western horizon disappears and continues until dawn. Within this period, the time is further divided into four segments: the most virtuous time is at the beginning of the period; the “optional” time is during the first third of the night; the “permissible” time extends until dawn, though it is discouraged to delay it that long without a reason; and the “excuse” time is the same as the time for Maghrib if both prayers are combined under specific conditions (Nawawi, al-Majmu’, 3/31).

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