Is the Tahajjud Prayer Sunnah? Its Importance and Benefits

The Tahajjud prayer is a highly virtuous night prayer that can be performed any time between the Isha prayer and dawn. Its significance is clearly emphasized in a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “Whoever wakes up at night and also wakes his family to pray two units of prayer together, they will be recorded among those who remember Allah much, both men and women” (Abu Dawud, Book of Witr, 13 [1451]). Another hadith states, “After the obligatory prayers, the most virtuous prayer is the night prayer” (Muslim, Siyam, 202-203 [1163]). These words highlight the merit of the Tahajjud prayer, making it one of the most valuable non-obligatory acts of worship.

Tahajjud Prayer: A Sunnah of the Prophet
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regularly performed the Tahajjud prayer and encouraged others to do the same. Some narrations describe how he would perform Isha prayer, sleep for a while, and then wake up in the middle of the night to pray Tahajjud before Fajr. This practice lays the foundation for considering Tahajjud as a Sunnah, or a recommended act of worship (Bukhari, Book of Actions in Prayer, 1 [1198]; Muslim, Prayer of Travelers, 182 [763]).

How to Perform Tahajjud Prayer
To perform the Tahajjud prayer, one can intend by saying, “I intend to perform the Tahajjud prayer for the pleasure of Allah.” It is recommended to pray two to eight units, though one may pray more if desired. After every two units, it is virtuous to conclude with a greeting of peace, though four units can be completed together with one greeting as well.

The Tahajjud prayer offers a sense of peace and spiritual comfort, serving as an opportunity to step away from the stresses of daily life. It is a chance for Muslims to renew their spirits and draw closer to Allah by worshiping in the calm and quiet of the night.

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